5 easy tips, how not to screw up on a first date with one of Russian brides.

Are you going on a first date with one of Russian brides? Do you want to impress her and at the same time not to look stupid? Today I’d like to give you these handy tips that you are recommended to follow if you want to make a good impression on your beloved person.

We all know how the first date is very important in building the relationship. This is the very base of it. Therefore we need to know what to do and on the contrary what not to do on a first date, to enhance our chances of impressing a girl.

Russian brides are very special, not only because they are exceptionally beautiful but also because of their grace, their manners and their nature in general. So, if you are lucky one and going to have a date with one of such precious ladies, do whatever possible not to screw up on a first date. These easy steps will help you with it.

1) Don’t wear a suit. Don’t look formal. It’s your first date, not a lecture in a university. Try to find the golden middle.

2) Show up 5 minutes earlier than an appointed time. Russian brides are very punctual, if you go on a date with one of these girls, you can be sure she will not be late. So, just don’t make her wait for you. Arrive on time.

3) Be gallant. Open the door, pull out her chair, Russian brides love gallant men.

4) Be a good listener. I know the first date is a very emotional moment. You want to get to know as much as possible about her. She wants to get to know as much as possible about you. But, question ratio should be at least 1:1.

5) Turn you cell phone off, or at least put it on mute. Not a single lady will find it acceptable when a guy is distracted by a phone during their first date. Russian brides aren’t an exception.

If you want to find out more about Russian brides, visit:

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