I am starting the series of articles called [Pure Gold: “How to choose a life time partner?] Here will be the cycle of questions and situations, which you will need to use in order to choose the really good woman for you, with whom you will spend years of your life and who will make you happy and satisfied with those years.
I’ve made this set of useful advice on the strength of my experience in translations and assistance for several hundreds of couples and on the experience of the ones, who in the result had the successful relationship. So all is based on the pure practice and I don’t know if you can find such experience anywhere else on the internet. Dating companies rarely share such insider things.
So, you are in the search of the right woman for you life, right? This process… it’s a bit more complicated than the purchase of a new wash machine, or for instance, garden furniture.
The point is that many things can be hidden by people, or not said in full even when you ask about them. But there are indirect signs and special questions which can help you quickly figure out, if this woman is good for you in the long term relationships. And what’s her real attitude towards a man.
So, which questions in the correspondence or personal meeting you should ask to quickly define if this woman is good for you and what are her intentions?
First part is about the financial questions. Financial side is very important in life and conflicts about money problems are on the second place among the reasons of divorce after the emotional conflicts. So it’s crucial for people to have same outlook about money.
The first question you can ask your lady in a letter or at a meeting if you want to define her attitude towards money and material things is:
“What is your attitude towards gifts? Is a man obliged to give his lady the expensive gifts?”
Why do you need to ask that? Many men are afraid that women are looking for the money sacks. And this truly happens very often that women are looking for just money in the main. I will maybe say a seditious and cynical thing, but many women have this program from nature to be looking for a max secured male, so he could provide best for her and her kids. Some women have this program too much exaggerated and they will always demand more money from a man to close this instinct.
So, we are asking this question. And if a woman starts saying that a man should give a lot of gifts and provide for her in the best way and give her all she wants – probably this is the sign that the material factor is very important for her. And if your finances are not at their best, you need to think well if you can afford such woman who wants the new phones, last models of shoes, expensive make up and such. From the point of view of such a woman it’s normal that they want to look well and have all best things. You need to understand if you live in the same spectrum of values.
The second question which will show the attitude to money is:
“If you would win a million dollars in a lottery, how would you spend it?”
Why are we asking this? A million, being a big amount is still, in the modern world in developed countries, not so huge to live a chic life for many years. Therefore one should quite wisely manage it. We know this from the sad examples of people who won large amounts in the lottery and ruined their lives.
And if a lady will answer that she would buy herself Ferrari, diamonds and other chic things on the first place – most probably she can’t do a very wise money management in the long term and she is more emotional.
If the woman will answer that she would buy a house, make some investments in herself and her future, or the future of her family, most probably this means that she is more rational and if you are looking for such a person, she fits you well.
Also for the cohabitation the common goals in life are very important. This question is wider than just finances, but it covers them in the end too. So you can ask such question:
“Tell about your goals in life. How do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years from now?”
Here it’s great if a person has any goals at all 🙂 Many people just do not have them. But, when we are asking such question, a person starts thinking and recognizing her goals. Now then, it is important, if the goals that the lady names are to your like first of all. And in some way they should correlate to your goals and outlook in life.
As the relationships are first of all, the synergy, the common support of each other, following the plans and goals in life. Otherwise, without them the relationships will be senseless and can end up with the conflicts.
So, listen attentively to her answer about the goals and compare it to you own vision of life.
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In the next article we will review your overlap in household and everyday questions – food, cleanness, sex and other everyday and important things.
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See you in the next part next week!
Sincerely yours,
Sergey Sokolov
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