How We Take New Girls to UFMA


An ordinary Ukraine marriage agency tries to add as many girls on the website as possible. They think, that it will attract more clients and help to increase the profits. They don’t interview Russian brides and don’t even care about seriousness of their intentions.

As the result, a lot of girls start playing games with a foreigner and he loses time, money and efforts. Taking all of these into consideration, we’ve decided to give preference to quality over quantity. Here at UFMA we don’t take many Ukrainian women to the club. But we care that all of them are serious and relationships oriented.

We work only with serious Russian girls with serious intentions. So we don’t add a lot of girls to our website every day, but those, whose profiles appear here:, come through a complex procedure of checking and interviewing.  And now we want to describe the main stages of it.

1. Incoming ladies

We can’t say, that we are actually searching for new girls. UFMA Kharkov has been working in this city for 10 years and during this time gained a good reputation. That’s why the girls come to our office themselves and ask us to help them to find a second half. Also a lot of girls are our friends, relatives or acquaintances, so we can vouch for them. From time to time we place an advertisement in a local newspaper, but as usually, the girls come to us themselves.

2. Checking ladies

The first stage is the interview. It is divided into two stages and takes place at our office. At the first stage we ask Ukrainian girls to fill in the form and then we interview them in order to find out their intentions.

We are looking only for serious women, and if we see any hesitations, then we refuse her. But if we see, that she is responsible and ready for long-term relationship, then we proceed to the second stage of an interview: we make copies of her documents and sign a contract. Thus, we see that she has serious intentions. After the profile is added, it appears here:

3. Photoshooting and the first steps on the site

Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) has a pro staff, including a professional photographer. We understand, that photos are very important, because it’s one of the key factors, which helps our clients to choose a girl.

That’s why, before we add a profile to our website, we take girl’s photos. We do it right here in our office. The photos always look natural and you can make sure of it if you visit the profiles of our Ukraine women for marriage:

Maybe we can’t boast about thousands of girls on our website, but at least we know, that all of them are genuine and have serious intentions about a foreign partner. So feel free to contact and visit them and you will waste neither time nor money.

Do you like Ukrainian girls at UFMA? Click the “LIKE” button below!


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Hi. There’s a popular statement among men: “Women are the same everywhere”. They think, that women may differ by the color of skin, by the language they speak etc, but they have absolutely no differences in behavior, life style, attitude towards the relationship and so on. Today we will hold a little investigation in order to figure out the differences between the Ukrainian girls and the girls from Europe or the USA.

1. Behavior

If you are a foreigner and you have a chance to spend a day with one of the Russian brides, you will see the difference at once. First of all, they are not talkative. It doesn’t mean, that they keep silence all the time, they just give the initiative to a man. It’s good for you, because you have her attention from the beginning and can lead the conversation according to your scenario.

Russian girls possess a great power of endurance. They are used to live in difficult conditions and rarely make any complains. These girls: don’t dream of living in a palace, all the want is sincere love.

2. The way they look

The beauty of Ukraine women for marriage is widely-known. But what helps them to look so great in comparison with women from other countries? The secret is in a life style. Maybe our women don’t have so much time for gyms or money for beauty salons, but, as usually, they don’t need it. Also, fast food is quite expensive for them, that’s why they cook themselves and eat only healthy food, which along with jogging helps our girls to stay fit without any diets.

Moreover, girls here are stylish and know how to choose the right clothes or make-up. More about the life style of women from our Ukraine marriage agency you can read here:

3. Attitude to a man

The most considerable difference between Ukrainian and European women consists in their attitude towards a man and their relationship. Women from UFMA Kharkov are more family-orientated. Their main goal is to create a happy family with a beloved man. Also such a woman will always support you and you can easily rely on her.

You can share all your problems with such a woman and she will be always eager to give a piece of advice and assist you. If you want to find such a woman too, then follow this link and meet a lot of beautiful women.

If we sum everything up, it becomes clear, that Russian women are much more suitable for marriage and long-term relationship. And with the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) the distance doesn’t play any role so you can easily meet your second half.

If you think, that Ukrainian women are beautiful, then press LIKE button.

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Hello. You may look everywhere, but you won’t find women better, than Russian brides. These women are considered to be the best wives and life-partners. The explanation is very simple: Ukrainian women are responsible and know better than anyone else how to manage house duties.

That’s why so many men try to find a bride at Ukraine marriage agency. And according to our experience, we can say that the majority of these marriages are happy and successful. Now we want to present you another woman who came to the UFMA Kharkov in order to find her second half.

Her name is Svetlana. She is 24-years old and lives in Kharkov. She has been married, but got divorced. She is one of those few women, who have both: beautiful appearance and deep inner world.

Moreover, Svetlana helps other women to look beautiful, working at a beauty salon as a manicurist. Also she has a lot of hobbies, such as music and embroidering. Sometimes she enjoys watching romantic movies. Also she has a beautiful 2-year-old daughter from her first marriage.

As all the other Ukraine women for marriage here: she wants to find her happiness in this world. She doesn’t set high demands. First of all, she wants the man of her dreams to be kind and loving.

Svetlana will be very happy to get her first letter from you. So write her here: and soon she will reply you.

No matter how successful you are at work or business, you always need a good woman by your side. And if it’s a woman from Ukraine, she will support and appreciate you. The Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) will help you to find such a woman. And when you meet her, don’t hesitate to come here: and take her with you.

If you like Svetlana, press LIKE button below

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Hello. A lot of people are so busy making their career, that they absolutely have no time for relationship. But even if they have time, they can’t find a good match. A few decades ago these people would be doomed to spend the rest of their life in solitude. Fortunately, we live in time of computers and modern technologies and online marriage agencies are becoming more and more popular.

Although only few can boast about such great success as UFMA Kharkov. It has been working for ten years and gained a lot of respect from the clients throughout the world. The secret of success consists in personal approach to each client.

We will guide and support you from the moment when you create your account and till you find your best match among the Russian brides. All our ladies really want to find a foreign husband and right after the registration you can send a letter to one of these beautiful women:

You won’t be on your own even when you come to Kharkov. We will take care of you here and help to manage problems with apartment and provide you an interpreter. So you don’t have to worry about day-to-day problems and can concentrate on your forthcoming meeting with Ukrainian women.

As usually, after having such a great time in Kharkov, foreigners leave the city reluctantly and always want to come back. Also they are satisfied with the services provided by Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) and they leave their video testimonials here:

But even more words of gratitude our Ukraine marriage agency receives via e-mail and snail mail. They sincerely thank us for everything we do for them. These warm words encourage us to work better and to create more happy marriages. After reading even a few of them here: you will understand what I mean.

So if you are fed up with being alone and want to meet the best Ukraine women for marriage, rely on us and you’ll meet your second half. Make the first step towards your new and happy life, and create your profile here:

Give us a LIKE if you trust us.

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Hello. Nowadays, a lot of men and women avoid serious relationship. Either they want to make their career first, or just don’t want to take any obligations or responsibilities. They just prefer flirt and short-term relationship. As a result, men with serious intentions become victims of irresponsible Russian brides.

That’s why it’s very important to know, how to choose a woman, so she would become your life partner. And now we will give you a few tips, to pay attention to, while choosing women at any Ukraine marriage agency.

1. Attraction

The latest researches say that 75% of men, first of all, pay attention to the appearance of the Ukrainian women. But appearance doesn’t include only pretty face and sporty figure. Her style in clothes, perfume and make up are also very important. All these factors comply an attraction.

Of course, you shouldn’t break up with a girl, just because you don’t like her perfume, but a lot of small things always grow into something big. So if you see here a lady, who you find attractive, feel free to leave her a message, because you’ve already overcome the first stage.

2. Common interests

The second stage is more complicated and demands more time. Even if a woman is very pretty, but you have nothing to talk about, then your relationship will hardly develop successfully. Fortunately, Ukraine women for marriage are well-educated and active, so I’m a hundred percent sure, that you will find common topics.

Nevertheless, try to find a woman who you have much in common with. It will help your relationship to develop faster. And soon, you will want to see the girl in real life, which is not difficult, if you follow the tips here:

3. Adoption to your life style

We all have some habits and we are used to a certain life style. And when a new person appears in your life, she (because we are speaking about a woman) influences your life to a certain degree the same as you influences hers. But the important thing is, that she should not cross the line and limit you in some ways.

If you feel, that a woman wants to change or overwhelm you, then maybe she is not that good for serious relationship. Especially, when you can find a lot of pretty woman at UFMA Kharkov who will accept you as you are.

With the help of the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) you can find a beautiful woman, who will share your interests and become your ideal match. More information about us you can find here:

Do you like Ukrainian women? Then press LIKE button below.

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Hello. Nowadays, a lot of men try to find Ukrainian women, who already have children. At first sight, this decision may seem illogical: “Why would a man want to bring up someone’s child?” and “why would he need a woman with a “burden”? But if you take a closer look on this issue, you will be able to see sunny sides.

First of all, a woman, who raises a child alone, has a strong personality and she is not afraid to make her own decisions. Also she can take responsibility for another person’s life. And what is no less important, she has an experience of family relationship. That’s why now we want to present you our three beautiful brides from UFMA Kharkov, who already have children.

1.    Victoria #352

Victoria has a 5-year-old daughter Anastasia. Anastasia is a bright kid, who is fond of painting. Victoria brings up her daughter alone. She runs a small business, goes jogging in the morning and always craves for self-improvement.

When Victoria has free time, she likes to cook and to read books. Victoria is even ready to learn a foreign language, so that she could freely communicate with a foreign partner. As all the Russian brides, she wants to create a family with a supportive man. Leave her a message here: and you will easily get along with her.

2.    Victoria #319

Ukrainian women are perfect mothers. And so is our Victoria.  She has a daughter Anastasia. Anastasia is 6. Besides work, Victoria is always engaged in some activities. She prefers to spend time outdoors. Especially she enjoys skating and cycling. Victoria has very soft and amiable personality.

She is easy-going and always welcomes new people in her life. At the same time, she is modest and sincere. If you fit the profile of a loving and respectful man, then write her a letter at the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) She will be happy to reply you.

3.    Irina #318

Irina also has a daughter, and her name is also Anastasia. The daughter means a world to Irina. Nevertheless, she finds time for work (she is a clothes designer) and other activities, such as painting, embroidering and cooking. Moreover, her personality is very friendly and peaceful.

With the Ukraine marriage agency she wants to find a man, who is kind-hearted and aimed at serious relations. Irina wants to find a responsible man to build honest and strong relationship with.

If you are looking for responsible Ukraine women for marriage, women with children will become a good match for you. They already know, how to take care of another person and the only thing they want is strong family union with a partner from other country. Don’t waste your chance and contact one of them.

If you like honest and responsible women, press “LIKE” button.

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Hello. Every man dreams of a loving and caring woman. It’s not a big secret, that Ukrainian women are the most beautiful creatures on our planet. The foreigners use the online dating websites to find women, who have sporty figure and dazzling hair. Our women fit this profile better, than anyone else.

According to the statistics, marriages between Russian brides and foreign men are strong and happy. It’s not a coincidence. Women in Ukraine are really perfect for long-term relationship and now we are going to explain you why.

1. Our ladies are beautiful

Of course, we can’t say, that there’re no beautiful women in Western Europe or the USA. Maybe their percentage there is lower, but still they are not rare. They go to the luxurious beauty salons, fitness clubs, buy expensive cosmetics and so on. Girls from UFMA Kharkov do not need to spend so much money for being beautiful.

They go jogging in the morning, instead of attending fitness clubs and that’s why they are always fit. Fruit, vegetables and honey substitute them cosmetics. Choose any woman here: and when your friends see you with a beautiful lady, they will envy you.

2. Our ladies are perfect wives

As a result of emancipation, a lot of women don’t want to bear with the status of a “house wife”. They don’t care about dirty dishes or dust on the shelves, because they are too concentrated on their career. Fortunately, Ukraine women for marriage have other values and family for them is much more important, than career opportunities and so on.

Moreover, they are very patient in the relationship and rarely start a fight. They are always ready to make a compromise and find the best solution in any situation.

3. Our ladies are educated

In the previous abstract we told you, that our women prefer family to work. One may think, that they just are not capable of achieving high positions in a company. However, according to the latest researches, women in Ukraine are even more educated, than men. You’ll hardly see a woman here, who doesn’t have at least bachelor’s degree, let alone other activities, such as music, art, sport etc.

That’s why, when a foreigner starts a conversation with a girl on Ukraine marriage agency, he is often surprised how well-educated she is. Even after a few letters you will understand, that it’s the woman you’ve been looking for and start planning your journey to her:

Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) is your chance to meet beautiful, educated woman who will be a perfect wife for you. If you want to know more about our agency contact us, following this link:

If you like Ukrainian women, give us a “LIKE”

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Hi. A lot of foreigners dream to marry a woman from Ukraine. That’s why they create accounts on online dating websites and search for a soul mate. Although, you have good chances with Russian women (here you can read why:, the time goes by and your progress is very poor.

So what’s the problem? Why does such a successful and self-sufficient man like you, can not succeed in a marriage agency? The most plausible reason is the wrong strategy and approach. That’s why now we want to single out four main steps, which can help you to be successful at UFMA Kharkov.

1. Create your profile carefully

A lot of men make the same mistake while creating their account: they try to do it as quickly as possible and write only general information, such as name, age, country. At the same time, they ignore other important sections: interests, hobbies, personality. Remember: it’s very important for Russian brides to know about your life and interests as much as possible.

Also try to be careful with photos. Show her, that your life is exciting. Upload one photo, where you are on the skating rink, the next – where you go fishing, hiking, etc. It will considerably increase your profile visitors on

2. Write interesting letters

At last, your profile is ready and we can proceed to the next stage: correspondence. Don’t overwhelm a lady with serious topics. Imagine, that you are chatting with your old friend. Use jokes, women like sense of humor in men.  But at the same time, try to be as honest with her as possible.

If a woman sees, that you are honest with her, she will be honest with you in return and that’s a good start for relationship. A good and interesting correspondence with Ukrainian women is an important step towards your future marriage. And maybe soon, you will be among these happy couples:

3. Be ready for the first date

No matter how exciting your correspondence is, it’s only a transitional step towards more serious relations with the Ukraine women for marriage. First of all, you should notify a woman in advance (approximately a month) of your arrival. You don’t need to worry about staying in a foreign country, Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) will handle all the problems, concerning accommodation and translation.

You should focus on a forthcoming meeting with a girl. Try to impress her. You can buy a small present for her. It shouldn’t be expensive or luxurious. Just something, that will always remind her of you.

4. Plan your future relationship

Your date you can spend in a restaurant or other comfortable place. Show her your good manners, act like a gentleman and your date will be wonderful. Then after the first successful date comes the second one, and then the third. Maybe you will even meet her parents and come to know the Ukrainian hospitality.

After a few successful dates, you should think of the future development of your relations. Don’t hesitate and make her a marriage proposal. After her “YES” our Ukraine marriage agency will help her to get fiancée visa and you will be enjoying each other for the rest of your life.

As you can see, it’s not that difficult to find your soul mate in Ukraine. A lot of lonely hearts have already met. And their testimonials is the best proof.

Thank you, that you “LIKE” and “SHARE” our articles.


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Hello. Nowadays, there’re so many online dating websites and marriage agencies, that a man may think, that finding a Russian bride is a matter of a few days. But in 2-3 weeks he understands, that it’s not that easy as he thought and in 2-3 months or half a year (if the man is persistent) he may even think, that it’s impossible.

So what happened? What has he done wrong? What was the reason of his failure? He may even think, that the problem is in him and Ukrainian women do not consider him to be enough successful or handsome. But the real reason is much easier. He made a mistake while choosing dating website, and that’s why he spent time there in vain. Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) will save your time and efforts. What is more important, your chances to meet your second half here is much higher. And now we will try to explain you why:

1. All inclusive service

The main difference between UFMA Kharkov and other marriage agencies consists in round-the-clock support and permanent assistance. We will not only give you an opportunity to meet our beautiful Russian brides, but also help you to arrange the meeting with the girl you liked.

We will do our best to make the two of you closer and eliminate the distances of hundreds or even thousands kilometers. For this purpose we arrange phone and video calls. Moreover, we can help a girl to get fiancée visa, which allows her to travel to you.

2. Real women

There’re no strangers among the girls at our agency. We know all them. Some girls are even our friends or acquaintances who ask us to help to find a foreign partner. So we invite them to our office and take photos in our studio. When a new girl comes, she already knows about our high reputation.

Before we start our cooperation with her, we have a kind of an interview, where she tells about herself and we draw a conclusion about the seriousness of her intentions. That’s why you can be sure, that all our Ukraine women for marriage will not play any games and really want to marry.

3. Experience

We have been working for 10 years and we can boast about a lot of created couples and satisfied clients. Their text and video testimonials you can watch here: We have an experience of working with people from different countries, so we don’t need much time to understand what and who exactly you need.

Depending on your tastes, we will choose you the right match. Moreover, we will give you pieces of advice, how to communicate with a Ukrainian lady and how to capture her heart.

Our Ukraine marriage agency will guide you on all the stages of your relationship with a lady: from your first letter, to her departure to your country. If you have any questions, you can contact us immediately:

Click “LIKE” if you want to marry a Ukrainian woman:)

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Hi. A tall woman is a dream of any model agency and the majority of men. I think, there’s no use to tell what exactly attracts men to such kind of women. Unfortunately, we can see these women only on some model shows or on the cover of a magazine for men. But what about the real life? Can we see them strolling along the park or on the street? Our answer is YES, but only if you live in Ukraine.

Of course, it doesn’t mean, that all tall women live only in Ukraine, but their percentage is much higher here. That’s why Ukrainian models are so popular, and always are on the top of different beauty contests. Now I want to present you four our tall Ukraine women for marriage, who could easily win any contests in the world, but instead, they want to find a partner at UFMA Kharkov and live a happy with him.

1. Anastasia #324

The first tall beauty in our list is an astonishing blonde, Anastasia. Her height is 177 cm (5`10“). She works as a school teacher. Anastasia is very active and does different kinds of sport such as fitness, dancing and cycling.

She lives in Kharkiv with her parents and elder sister. But now she wants to create her own family with caring and optimistic man. So if you like tall and cheerful ladies, contact Anastasia:

2. Victoria #319

The next tall and slender girl from UFMA Ukraine is Victoria. Her height is 175 cm (5`09“) and it makes her especially beautiful. Nevertheless, even possessing an appearance of a model, Victoria is humble.

She likes to meet new people and always finds a common tongue with them. She enjoys spending her pastime outdoors. Victoria is looking for a respectful and caring man.

3. Mila #306

Girls with blonde hair and blue eyes have always been a dream of any man. So is Mila. Her height 177 cm (5`10“) gives her an opportunity to be a star in a model agency. But it’s not what she wants.

As all Russian girls, Mila dreams to find loving person, who she can share her life with. Is it you? You’ll never know, unless you try, so leave a message to Mila:

4.  Elena #283

Another pearl of the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) is Elena. Her height is 177 cm (5`10“) and she used to be a model. Now she runs a small business with her mother.

Beautiful as she is, Elena is also keen on reading. She likes novels and books on history. So if you are looking for beautiful and educated woman, send her a letter:

Our Ukraine marriage agency has a wide range of different Ukrainian women: blondes, brunettes, tall, short, etc. But they have something in common: all of them are looking for love and happiness with the right man.

If you admire tall women, click “LIKE” button below.

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