An ordinary Ukraine marriage agency tries to add as many girls on the website as possible. They think, that it will attract more clients and help to increase the profits. They don’t interview Russian brides and don’t even care about seriousness of their intentions.
As the result, a lot of girls start playing games with a foreigner and he loses time, money and efforts. Taking all of these into consideration, we’ve decided to give preference to quality over quantity. Here at UFMA we don’t take many Ukrainian women to the club. But we care that all of them are serious and relationships oriented.
We work only with serious Russian girls with serious intentions. So we don’t add a lot of girls to our website every day, but those, whose profiles appear here: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/ladies/, come through a complex procedure of checking and interviewing. And now we want to describe the main stages of it.
1. Incoming ladies
We can’t say, that we are actually searching for new girls. UFMA Kharkov has been working in this city for 10 years and during this time gained a good reputation. That’s why the girls come to our office themselves and ask us to help them to find a second half. Also a lot of girls are our friends, relatives or acquaintances, so we can vouch for them. From time to time we place an advertisement in a local newspaper, but as usually, the girls come to us themselves.
2. Checking ladies
The first stage is the interview. It is divided into two stages and takes place at our office. At the first stage we ask Ukrainian girls to fill in the form and then we interview them in order to find out their intentions.
We are looking only for serious women, and if we see any hesitations, then we refuse her. But if we see, that she is responsible and ready for long-term relationship, then we proceed to the second stage of an interview: we make copies of her documents and sign a contract. Thus, we see that she has serious intentions. After the profile is added, it appears here: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/new/
3. Photoshooting and the first steps on the site
Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) has a pro staff, including a professional photographer. We understand, that photos are very important, because it’s one of the key factors, which helps our clients to choose a girl.
That’s why, before we add a profile to our website, we take girl’s photos. We do it right here in our office. The photos always look natural and you can make sure of it if you visit the profiles of our Ukraine women for marriage: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/onlineladies/.
Maybe we can’t boast about thousands of girls on our website, but at least we know, that all of them are genuine and have serious intentions about a foreign partner. So feel free to contact and visit http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/tours.htm them and you will waste neither time nor money.
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