[Pure Gold Articles: How to choose a life time partner?] PART 1: Financial Questions. Won’t she spend all your money? How to define a gold digger?


I am starting the series of articles called [Pure Gold: “How to choose a life time partner?] Here will be the cycle of questions and situations, which you will need to use in order to choose the really good woman for you, with whom you will spend years of your life and who will make you happy and satisfied with those years.

I’ve made this set of useful advice on the strength of my experience in translations and assistance for several hundreds of couples and on the experience of the ones, who in the result had the successful relationship. So all is based on the pure practice and I don’t know if you can find such experience anywhere else on the internet. Dating companies rarely share such insider things.

So, you are in the search of the right woman for you life, right? This process… it’s a bit more complicated than the purchase of a new wash machine, or for instance, garden furniture.

The point is that many things can be hidden by people, or not said in full even when you ask about them. But there are indirect signs and special questions which can help you quickly figure out, if this woman is good for you in the long term relationships. And what’s her real attitude towards a man.

So, which questions in the correspondence or personal meeting you should ask to quickly define if this woman is good for you and what are her intentions?

First part is about the financial questions. Financial side is very important in life and conflicts about money problems are on the second place among the reasons of divorce after the emotional conflicts. So it’s crucial for people to have same outlook about money.

The first question you can ask your lady in a letter or at a meeting if you want to define her attitude towards money and material things is:

“What is your attitude towards gifts? Is a man obliged to give his lady the expensive gifts?”

Why do you need to ask that? Many men are afraid that women are looking for the money sacks. And this truly happens very often that women are looking for just money in the main. I will maybe say a seditious and cynical thing, but many women have this program from nature to be looking for a max secured male, so he could provide best for her and her kids. Some women have this program too much exaggerated and they will always demand more money from a man to close this instinct.

So, we are asking this question. And if a woman starts saying that a man should give a lot of gifts and provide for her in the best way and give her all she wants – probably this is the sign that the material factor is very important for her. And if your finances are not at their best, you need to think well if you can afford such woman who wants the new phones, last models of shoes, expensive make up and such. From the point of view of such a woman it’s normal that they want to look well and have all best things. You need to understand if you live in the same spectrum of values.

The second question which will show the attitude to money is:

“If you would win a million dollars in a lottery, how would you spend it?”

Why are we asking this? A million, being a big amount is still, in the modern world in developed countries, not so huge to live a chic life for many years. Therefore one should quite wisely manage it. We know this from the sad examples of people who won large amounts in the lottery and ruined their lives.

And if a lady will answer that she would buy herself Ferrari, diamonds and other chic things on the first place – most probably she can’t do a very wise money management in the long term and she is more emotional.

If the woman will answer that she would buy a house, make some investments in herself and her future, or the future of her family, most probably this means that she is more rational and if you are looking for such a person, she fits you well.

Also for the cohabitation the common goals in life are very important. This question is wider than just finances, but it covers them in the end too. So you can ask such question:

“Tell about your goals in life. How do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years from now?”

Here it’s great if a person has any goals at all 🙂 Many people just do not have them. But, when we are asking such question, a person starts thinking and recognizing her goals. Now then, it is important, if the goals that the lady names are to your like first of all. And in some way they should correlate to your goals and outlook in life.

As the relationships are first of all, the synergy, the common support of each other, following the plans and goals in life. Otherwise, without them the relationships will be senseless and can end up with the conflicts.

So, listen attentively to her answer about the goals and compare it to you own vision of life.

Meet the beautiful Ukrainian women from the selected Gallery of Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency.

In the next article we will review your overlap in household and everyday questions – food, cleanness, sex and other everyday and important things.

Please click “LIKE” below in order not to miss the next part. And if you like this article.

Also, share this article with your friends, as many are also looking for the partners. Help them with this useful advise. You can send your friend the link to this article via Facebook or email right now.

See you in the next part next week!

Sincerely yours,
Sergey Sokolov

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Sexy hot Ukrainian girl Valeria #232. Mail order brides, Russian girls, Russian women


If you ask a foreigner, who has been to Ukraine, to characterize Russian girls, most certainly he will describe them as educated, broad-minded and romantic. Mail order brides from Ukraine can cook you the most exquisite dish and cite classical authors and philosophers. No wonder that when a man from Western Europe or the USA wants to marry, he looks for Russian women at the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com who can give a man a comfort, solace and many years of happy marriage.

Valeria can give all of these to her beloved man. She is 31 years old. She doesn’t have any children and she is still single. Valeria has got a good education and now she works in a bank. However, as well as many other Russian women http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/ladies/, career successes don’t attract her much. She would gladly exchange it for a determined man who has life-goals and wants to reach something in this life.

Russian women

Valeria was brought up in a very intelligent family. She is well-mannered and educated. When she has free time, Valeria likes to read books, especially, she is very keen on classical literature. Mail order brides like Valeria will become not only your second half, who will always support you, but a true friend. Such words as faithfulness and devotion are not strange to her.

This beautiful and intelligent girl can become your partner for the whole life. Make the first step and write a letter to Valeria: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/profiles/232.html and you will make sure that Russian girls are the best women in the world!

mail order brides

Russian women are beautiful, loving and faithful. They are not afraid of hard work and skillfully handle house duties. Russian girls need only a loving and reliable man to create a happy family union. If you want to know more about our mail order brides or how to start communication with them, feel free to ask any question to the UFMA manager directly: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/contacts.htm. We will be always glad to help you to find your second half 🙂

Valeria will be very happy if you click “LIKE” button below 🙂

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New Beautiful Ukrainian Brides at UFMA: Ksenya #359, Anna #358 and Elena #357


Although it’s almost the middle of winter Ukrainian brides look as sunny as usually. Moreover, in 2016 three new mail order brides have joined the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) and now you can see their profiles on our website. These Ukrainian girls want to find their true love with a foreign man. And now I would like to introduce you our new Russian brides:

Ksenya #359

Ukrainian girls

Ksenya is a lady with an artistic taste. She has graduated from the Academy of Art and was engaged into marketing and copywriting. As the majority of Ukrainian girls, Ksenya is fond of sport: she does fitness and aerobics and wants to learn how to dance.

She has a very good-natured and cheerful personality, and she will be able to make you smile even after the gloomiest day. Ksenya will be waiting for your letters here: www.ukrainianfiancee.com/profiles/359.html. Don’t miss your chance to contact her!

Anna #358

mail order brides

If you are looking for the Russian brides who are both: beautiful and intelligent, then your search will stop on Anna. She is a nurse in the department of surgery and she is very skillful at what she does for a living.

Besides her work, Anna is engaged into many other activities, including sport and dances. Along with other mail order brides, Anna always looks beautiful and she is very interested in make-up. Now Anna www.ukrainianfiancee.com/profiles/358.html wants to find a man abroad, who will accept her and her little child.

Elena #357

Russian brides

If you want your life to become an everlasting holiday, send a message to Elena: www.ukrainianfiancee.com/profiles/357.html. She is engaged into design and manages events like birthdays, weddings etc. As many other Ukrainian girls Elena pays much attention to self-education.

She enjoys reading books, especially, she is fond of detective stories. She prefers active rest like walking, cycling or hiking. Also she likes to plant the flowers and to take photos. Why not take a few pictures with her? 🙂 Contact Elena and create a photo album of your life together!

Ksenya, Anna, Elena and many other Ukrainian girls want to start the relationship now. Ukrainian brides possess all the qualities of a good life-partner and perfect house wives. So contact our astonishing mail order brides.  These Russian brides want to find their second halves and wait for your messages!

If you like any of these girls, don’t spare a “LIKE” for them 🙂

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Beautiful Valeria #238. Mail order brides. Ukrainian girls. Ukrainian brides


I have been thinking a lot over the question: “Why do European and American men marry Ukrainian girls?” The most common answer is the attractive appearance of our mail order brides. Indeed, they know how to look fantastic everywhere and any time. Ukrainian brides are very easy to tell apart from women of other nationalities. If you see somewhere a very pretty woman on high heels and with bright make-up, no doubt that she is Ukrainian. Maybe there’s someone, who considers it inappropriate and likes girls who look like a nun, nevertheless, beautiful Ukrainian girls look much more beautiful and lovely in comparison with girls from Europe. But what is the most important for you is that a lot of such girls are still single and wait for their second halves here: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/ladies.

One of these girls is Valeria. The smile never disappears from her face.  She has a lot of hobbies and enjoys her life. She likes to listen to music and to take photos. At the same time she has one hobby, which is quite unusual as for Ukrainian girls: shooting. Her father has taught her how to shoot and after that it became one of her favorite pastimes. Valeria www.ukrainianfiancee.com/profiles/238.html is 25 years old and soon she is going to graduate from the university.

Ukrainian brides 18.12.2015

That’s why, as all the mail order brides she is thinking of creating her own family. Valeria is not afraid to move to another country, moreover, she is even willing to do that with her second half. At the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com she hopes to find a kind-hearted man with a strong personality.

As many Ukrainian brides, Valeria knows how to handle all the house duties and how to create an atmosphere of love at home. Valeria is ready for big changes in her life and maybe you will be the one who will change her life for the better?

Ukrainian girls 18.12.2015

As usually when foreigners marry Ukrainian girls, they can’t avert their eyes from the beauty of their wives. Mail order brides will never shame you and looking at you and your princess your friends will be very happy for you. So don’t lose your happiness and choose one of the Ukrainian brides. If you don’t know how to start, contact our support http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/contacts.htm and you will get a professional help and assistance.

Do you like Valeria? Click “LIKE” button below.

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Christmas is Coming!


On the 25th of December Catholics throughout the world will celebrate their main holiday: the birth of Christ. Actually, this holiday is not exclusively religious and in Ukraine Christmas is no less popular than in countries of Western Europe. This holiday is very important for Russian brides. As well as women in Europe, mail order brides wear their best dresses and do their best to look gorgeous. Christmas is a family holiday and people usually try to celebrate it with their dearest people. However, a lot of Russian girls are single and they have no one to celebrate this holiday with. So now you have a good opportunity to make a good company with one of these beauties: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/ladies/. In Ukraine Christmas has following components:

1. Festive atmosphere

Russian girls 17.12.2015

From the childhood I remember how excited I was when my father brought home a big and bushy Christmas tree. And how our family gathered together to decorate it. Russian brides pay much attention to decorating the house for the holiday. So when a man comes from work, his house shines with different colors.

Sometimes Mail order brides even buy special statues and place them in the yard. So the whole city of Kharkov http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/kharkovcity.htm looks unspeakably beautiful and if you still doubt when the best time for visiting Kharkov is, come before Christmas and you will plunge into festive atmosphere.

2. Visiting friends or relatives


Christmas is considered to be the best time to visit your closest friends and relatives. For some families it’s almost the only opportunity to sit together around the festive table. That’s why Russian girls spend the whole day in the kitchen, cooking a lot of tasty dishes.

As it usually happens, there’s not even enough space on the table to place all these dishes on a table at once. The whole celebration is usually followed by a very warm conversation and lots of positive emotions and it gives the long-lasting memories to Mail order brides.

3. Presents

Russian brides 17.12.2015

Presents exchange is one of the most important Christmas traditions. Russian brides usually spend one or two days, choosing the presents for the family and friends. It shouldn’t necessarily be something expensive. Much more important is to put your soul into the present and then it will be valued the most.

The presents are usually exchanged during the celebration or placed under the Christmas tree and every member of a family tries to find his present. Main order brides appreciate romantic gestures very much and if she gets a present from you http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/catalog/ it will make her extremely happy.

Christmas is time of magic, joy and family reunion. But what is more important for us, it’s the best time to meet the best Russian brides at the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com. With Mail order brides every day will be joyful, because only Russian girls can turn even an ordinary day into a holiday.

So make a wish, press LIKE button below and your wish will come true!

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Meet Tanya #294. Mail order brides. Russian girls. Russian brides


There’s a saying that Russian men will not survive even a single day without Russian girls. And it’s not far from being the truth. The majority of men here are very infantile and very often they can’t take care of themselves. As a result Russian brides are used to the idea that they should always support them. Even during the difficult times for her man, our woman will work on 2 jobs, spend sleepless nights, but she will never let him down. Foreigner men have also noticed how loyal and hard-working mail order brides are.

That’s why they look for their second halves at the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) and find them among beautiful Ukrainian ladies: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/ladies/.

Tanya is very easy to distinguish even among them prettiest Russian girls. She is tall and sporty and would be welcomed in any model agency. Tanya is the only child of her parents and now she lives with them in Kharkov. She is very cheerful and optimistic. There’s no space for bad thoughts in Tanya’s mind. She can give a charge of positive energy to everyone who needs it.

Mail order brides 03.12.2015

Also Tanya has lots of hobbies and interests. For example, she likes to spend time outdoors, enjoying the nature. It’s one of the best ways to relax and to clear your mind.

Russian brides are known to be very good at cooking. But if some other women cook because they just have to, Tanya www.ukrainianfiancee.com/profiles/294.html receives pleasure just from the whole process of cooking.

Nevertheless, Tanya has not already found the man, whom she would cook for. As lots of other mail order brides, she hopes to find a kind and positive man with a good sense of humor and amiable personality. And when she finds such a man, Tanya will always respect and appreciate him.

Russian girls 03.12.2015

Russian girls are genuine, caring and sincere. They are always ready for self-sacrifice for the ones they love. There’re a lot of Russian brides waiting for you at the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com. If you don’t know how to start and what you should write to mail order brides, leave a message to our expert here: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/contacts.htm and you will get professional assistance and guidance.

We will be grateful if you click “LIKE” button below.

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Tanya #284. Mail order brides. Russian girls. Ukrainian women


Marriages between Ukrainian women and foreign men are very common and widely-spread. Nevertheless, the question: “Why do foreigners prefer mail order brides?” is still relevant. After all, good-natured women can be found in any country. So there’re a few reasons why a lot of foreign men don’t want to marry their fellow citizens and refer to Russian girls. The main reason is in the mentality of foreigners. Western men, as usually, get married much later. At first they try to build their career and enjoy free bachelor’s life.

However, ladies there have the same approach. And when the time comes, not everyone is ready to change a well-paid job for washing, cooking and ironing. That’s why a lot of men from Western Europe address the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com and look for Ukrainian women who are much more family-oriented.

The foreigners’ desire to build a relationship with one of the Russian girls will even grow, if they meet a girl like Tanya. Her blue eyes and blonde hair make her a dream of any man in the world. But the natural beauty is not her only merit. She works hard on her body too and goes in for sport. Just look at her photos www.ukrainianfiancee.com/profiles/284.html and you will see that sport really plays an important role in her life and she takes many advantages out of it.

Russian girls 02.12.2015

Reading is one of the most popular pastimes among our mail order brides. It’s Tanya’s hobby too. She thinks that a woman should be beautiful as well as educated. Sometimes she likes to walk along the park, when the weather is favorable or to go on a picnic.

Also Tanya likes to participate in different costume shows and performances. It helps her to express herself and play different roles. One of her other hobbies is cooking. She is really good at it and she would like to pester her beloved man with tasty dishes. Tanya likes to experiment on her kitchen and to cook something new. Here she wants to find a smart and confident man who she can rely on.

Ukrainian women 02.12.2015

Ukrainian women are always eager to find a partner abroad. So if you come to Ukraine http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/tours.htm there you will find a lot of mail order brides, willing to communicate with you and to know you better. But if you have any questions to ask about either our website or Russian girls, feel free to call or to leave a message to our support: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/contacts.htm.

Do you want to see more girls like Tanya here? Then click “+1” button below.

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Tanya #239. Russian Girls for marriage. Best Russian Women


Nowadays, there’re a lot of online marriage agencies where men throughout the world are looking for Russian women. There’re different reasons for that. First of all, Russian girls attract men by their natural beauty. Watch any beauty contest and you will see that Ukrainian women are always among the leaders there. Also our girls are spiritually very strong. They can adjust even to the harsh living conditions and will never say even a word of complain. But the most important thing why foreigners create their profiles here http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com, looking for Russian girls is the desire of our woman to make her beloved man happy and she will do everything for the well-being of her family.

All these qualities you can find in Tanya. She is 25 years old and studies Art at the academy. As the majority of Ukrainian women of her age, she lives with her parents. She has got blonde hair and brown eyes. Tanya is very-broadminded girl who tries to learn about this world as much as she can.

Tanya http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/profiles/239.html is one of those Russian women who try to be beautiful physically and spiritually. The secret of her well-shaped body is her hard work in the gym. Also she doesn’t have any bad habits like smoking or drinking.  Sporty and beautiful as she is, Tanya doesn’t forget about education and broaden her horizons, visiting theatres and reading books. She likes to read modern literature as well as classical one.

Russian girls 01.12.2015

Although Tanya looks strong and self-sufficient, she has very tender soul and romantic personality. Her main desire is to find a man of her dreams. She is sure, that she is ready to create her own family with a loving and caring man. She hopes that her partner will be calm and well-balanced and won’t start groundless fights.

Russian women 01.2015.2015

Russian women are a combination of astonishing beauty and a sharp mind. One of them can become your loyal and faithful partner too and the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/aboutus.htm will help you to make this dream come true. Moreover, you will be guided and supported during the whole way from your bachelor status to married life with Russian girls. In case of any questions about either our Ukrainian women or the work of the agency, you can address our round-the-clock support: http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/contacts.htm

Tanya will be very happy if you click “LIKE” button below.

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Tanya #203. Beautiful Russian brides at UFMA. Mail order brides from Ukraine


Russian brides are not only attentive, caring and easy-going, but also elegant and beautiful. And here Western women are absolutely no match for the girls from UFMA Ukraine. Our girls don’t lose their charm and delicacy, even when they go to a local shop to buy some milk. While women from Western Europe turn from a princess into a housewife after the marriage, mail order brides will do their best to look attractive for you. Even if your marriage with one of these women http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/ladies/ lasts for many years, she will always find a way to wonder you.

Now I would like to tell you about one of mail order brides with a very romantic and sincere personality. Her name is Tanya www.ukrainianfiancee.com/profiles/203.html. She is 43 years old and she has got emerald green eyes and dark hair. Being stylish and beautiful, she also helps other Russian brides to look more attractive.

Tanya worked as a dancing instructor and used to be a professional ballet dancer. Tanya thinks, that dancing is not only one of the most effective ways to keep fit, but also a good relaxation method.

Russian brides 30.11.2015

Although Tanya looks like a very strong woman, she has very tender soul, which is easy to heart. Nevertheless, she bears no grudge and very soon becomes cheerful and smiling again. She doesn’t like any conflicts and always looking for a way to avoid it.

In future Tanya wants to open her own beauty salon where Russian brides could come and become even more beautiful than they are now. However, her paramount aim is to find a life partner at the UFMA Ukraine http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com and to create a family with an attentive man, who will be interested in her life and well-being. Also she hopes that there relationship will be based on mutual understanding and support, where partners won’t try to oppress each other but instead will live in peace and harmony.

mail order brides 30.11.2015

Such a charming, broad-minded and self-sufficient Russian brides like Tanya can make happy any man. Meeting her is easier than you think. UFMA Ukrane is ready to do everything for two loving hearts to meet, organizing a tours http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/tours.htm for you, which will save your time, money and efforts. So you can concentrate only on the dates with the most good-looking mail order brides from the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov).

Do you want to see more girls here? Then press ”LIKE” button below.

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Looking for Russian Brides (mail order brides)? Here’s a Great Russian girl – Tanya #166 looking for marriage with a good man from Europe or USA


Worldwide Russian brides are considered to be the most beautiful women. Wherever they go, our girls will always be in the centre of attention and lots f foreigners register here http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/register/ to meet a beautiful Ukrainian lady. But it’s not only good-looking appearance which attracts men. Russian girls are witty and clever. They are interesting interlocutors, who can discuss with you books, movies, art, music etc and at the same time they don’t try to elude from doing house duties, like cooking or cleaning. It seems that our mail order brides inherited the desire to create cozy family atmosphere.

If you want to find such a woman, register at the Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA Kharkov) http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com and you will see a lot of pretty ladies who are willing to meet you.

Russian brides 27.11.2015

One of these beautiful Russian brides is Tanya www.ukrainianfiancee.com/profiles/166.html. Her blue eyes and blonde hair makes her a dream of any man. But beautiful as she is, Tanya is also very self-sufficient woman, who has got her PhD. She has studied very hard to become a doctor and now she works at the hospital. Except for taking care of the patients, she also does research work.

As all our mail order brides, Tanya pays much attention to self-education. She reads a lot, especially she likes classical literature and detective stories.

mail order brides 27.11.2015

However, the most important hobby in her life is horse-riding. She likes horses very much and considers them to be very clever and beautiful animals. So when she has a day off and the weather is sunny, she rides horses with other Russian girls.

Tanya is also very sporty. She often goes to the pool to swim. Moreover, Tanya is fond of sauna and massage. It’s very relaxing and it helps to put the stress off. Living in a big city, Tanya sometimes wants to slip away from a noisy city to her parent’s country house. Sometimes she invites Russian brides for a picnic. Moreover, Tanya has a cooking habit. There’s no dish which she or other mail order brides can’t cook.

Now she is looking for a clever man with a good sense of humor to create strong and successful relationship.

Russian girls 27.11.2015

Russian brides have many advantages over the Western women. And you can estimate them yourself if you contact any of these beautiful Russian girls http://www.ukrainianfiancee.com/ladies/. Our women can give everything to a beloved man: love, care and support. But what is much more important, mail order brides can make you really happy. Is there anything more important than happiness?

Tanya will be very grateful if you click “LIKE” button below.

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