Kiev city and Kiev women are inviting you

Do you know that we have opened an office in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine?

We are actively adding up serious ladies who want to build relationships with men from abroad.

Mostly they are friends and acquaintances of us, so we are sure that they are serious and genuine.

Several ladies have already been added to Kiev Gallery of Ukrainian women and you can see them.

ufma is in kiev office

What is Kiev and why you really MUST come and see it?

– It’s a big city with 3 million people and all kinds of stuff to do and to see;
– The prices in Ukraine are super low because of economics and now it’s the cheapest country in Europe to spend a vacation at;
– Kiev is the city with 2000 years of history;
– It is a developed city with wonderful parks, restaurants and all touristic facilities;
– It’s easy to get to Kiev by plane from any place of the world; it has a modern airport and flights from everywhere.

So Kiev is probably the best place for a comfortable and inexpensive rest. Prices in restaurants and cafes are very low. For 5-7 dollars or Euros you can get a good lunch in any cafe in the center of the city. The hotels start from 30-40 dollars per night in the center.

And as said above, for the history lovers, Kiev is just a perfect place because there’s 2000 years history here from the times of Kiev Rus to the Stalin’s architecture of the strongest times of the USSR. And it’s amazing to walk along Kreschatyk, the main street of Kiev, and just look at those buildings, and then go up to the old city and see all the cathedrals, old churches which are hundreds years old and all the museums with the history same old as the Roman Empire. You will definitely be impressed by this city.


What UFMA can do for you in Kiev

– We will meet you at the airport with a driver;
– We will accommodate you in the comfortable apartment in the city center;
– You will have a Kiev city tour with an English speaking guide/ translator, who will help you with any questions, as they work for UFMA;
– And of course, you will have the meetings with serious and beautiful Ukrainian girls from Kiev.

We have more than 10 years of experience in working with men from all around the world here in Ukraine. You will definitely like your experience.

Use a great offer for Tours and Intros for the summer of 2016. And come to our Kiev marriage agency UFMA this summer.

Have any questions? Want to inquire about a tour? Please write to me here: and I’ll answer all your questions.

Do it! The summer has already started!

Sergey Sokolov

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Want to know why the most beautiful and sexy ladies come to meet men at Ukrainian Fiancee (UFMA Kharkov) agency?


I’ll tell you the secret why women come to Ukrainian Fiancee agency so often. And these are the best ladies you can EVER find!

Ukrainian Fiancee has the best ladies for dating

So why are they coming?? There are so many beautiful women in Ukraine and there are so many who are free?

Why so beautiful ladies are looking for someone?

How come they are not hunted down yet???

Are the Ukrainian men blind or what happens?

There are several reasons for that – there are economical, demographic and other factors.

And here they go…

(yes, these long legs just never end) 🙂


Why are the best ladies coming to UFMA Kharkov?

at UFMA Kharkov you can date best women

In Ukraine there are a lot of women, there’s more women than men here. About 10% more of them.

Many women just can’t find a decent partner here. And very often these are very beautiful ladies. Ukrainian ladies take care of themselves, they are beautiful and sporty, they have good clothes.

They do sports and look very fit. And one of them can be yours!


Do you want a woman like this? And this is one out of many here at UFMA agency!
Agency called Ukrainian Fiancee is just the best

Why are educated and smart women with good jobs coming to Ukrainian Fiancee?

educated ukrainian women come to UFMA Kharkov

In Kharkov there’s lots of Universities and colleges and many women from all of the Ukraine come here to study. Many stay here to live and work further.

And in most cases those are the ladies with higher education, smart and stylish. Kharkov is the city of universities and students, therefore most of people here are smart and educated. So your girl will be smart and intelligent and can talk with you about things. Isn’t this great? 🙂 Many women here also speak English, they learn it at schools and colleges.

Why are beautiful and sporty women coming to UFMA Kharkov?

meet sporty girls at ukrainian fiancee in kharkov and kiev
In Ukraine it’s a tradition for women to look beautiful. They take care of themselves, they are sporty and fit – there’s lots of sports clubs here, very good food (Ukraine is an agro country).

In Kharkov most of the ladies are very fashionable, they care of their beauty.

There’s lots of fashionable shops here where they buy good clothes. And lots of sport places where everyone exercises and keeps fit.

So your woman from Ukraine will always be a pleasure for your eyes and not just eyes 🙂

Why are women looking for foreigners at Ukrainian Fiancee?

at ukrainian fiancee ladies are only serious
That happens because there are not enough good men here. Women here are not getting enough love and care.

In Ukraine many men don’t want love because of economical situation. And women here are wonderful and they do want love!

Come to Ukraine and meet with the beautiful ladies here! SUPER DEAL! We have 50% discount for introductions till the end of summer 2016.

Write us to get your deal:

Sergey Sokolov
UFMA Kharkov

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Good news: Discounts for Tours and Intros (HUGE!). USA Rep. Thom’s book.

Hello to you!

Do you want some good news? The UFMA always has them. 🙂

Let’s start right from business here.


ufma tour packagesWe have the Tour Packages for meeting with the ladies and never had any discounts for them.

But as we have the possibility now, we have added a 5% discount for the Comfort Package till the end of summer 2016.

Also get an additional 5% discount for early booking for any package in addition.

Read here about the Comfort Pack and ask any questions


introductions to ukrainian womenTill the end of summer 2016 there will be a discount of 50% for the Introductions. You can meet with more ladies for same moneys or just save up!

Read here about the Intros and use this opportunity to meet your beautiful Ukrainian bride


When you are going to a new country, there’s always a bunch of questions and things to know – how not to get scammed, where to live, what to eat? This all must be clear and you must feel comfortable when you are traveling, right?

And there are two people here at your service to answer these questions

sergeyThere’s me – Sergey Sokolov – I work for 10 years at UFMA and can answer any questions about traveling, living, meetings etc. also can arrange everything for you. Here are my contacts

ThomAlso there’s our USA Representative – Thom Chabot – he has been to Ukraine many times, has traveled a lot, met the ladies and can answer many questions about living here and meeting Ukrainian women, from the point of view of a foreigner. Here’s Thom’s page with his contacts, he will be glad to help you.


thoms bookA little spoiler here – soon on our website there will be published Thom’s book for the guys, who want to come to Ukraine and meet the Ukrainian brides. There will be covered many mistakes, useful tips and ways to save time and money on the way to finding your Ukrainian soulmate.

The book will be absolutely free for the members of Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency. If you are yet not a member – please sign up here and you’ll download it for free.

Click “LIKE” below and share this page! Thank you!

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Do not miss a beautiful Ukrainian woman here – Julia #362

If you are waiting for a sweet bride from Ukraine and have registered on our dating resource so that to find her and make acquaintance with, you must be sure that you are on the right track. We are always looking for new faces due to your great desire to make a choice from a wide range of beautiful Ukrainian girls.
this ukrainian woman julia is waiting for your letters

So, please feel free to meet tender and caring Julia #362, who has come here so that to find a life-partner to share her life with or start serious relations with a kind, reliable, attentive, honest man with a good sense of humor.

– Here’s a link to Julia’s full profile and photos

You should know that Julia has asked us for dating services hoping to find a foreign man. Julia has failed with the desire to build strong and serious relations with men from native country due to the instability and disability to give live to a beloved woman from the side of Ukrainian men. Julia is a family-oriented person and strongly interested in serious relations, so it is just impossible for her to be with a man who has no idea about their joint future.
One of the best Ukrainian women - beautiful and attentive

She is a 30 years old charming lady and looking for a kind, intelligent, attentive and confident man. Julia was born in a small town near Kharkiv and after graduation of High School moved here so that to start education in one of the best technical Ukrainian universities. She is a very determined and hard-working person, so it was not difficult for her to get a Bachelor’s degree in engineering. We should say that Julia loves beauty and finds it is a pleasant thing to be a master of manicure helping Ukrainian women to look attractive and cared.

Julia is a very attractive person with long, straight blond hair, deep gray eyes and well-shaped body, believe us that it is just impossible to miss such a woman from sight. She believes in God, follows the moral values and tries to treat people in the way she wants to be treated herself. Julia is a very communicative and optimistic person; this girl is always trying to see something good in people due to the soft, friendly and kind character.
Beautiful Julia 362 - always meet beautiful Ukrainian women at UFMA

That this charming lady is ready to prepare for you a tasty dinner, because it is a really interesting and easy process for her, especially if you also have preference to Italian food. Julia always tries to find a moment on sunny weekends so that to gather a meeting of her family and cook something delicious for them paying a lot of attention to meat.

Julia is waiting for communication with you if you are a serious man and ready for long-term relations. Just send her a message so that to start conversation. We wish you good luck!

Here’s Julia’s profile where you can contact her:

Click “LIKE” below if you like this lady and want to see more Ukrainian women at UFMA! 🙂

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= New Ukrainian girl coming soon – Irina 363 =

If you are looking for new faces on our dating resource and pursuing a goal to find a wife or girlfriend among Ukrainian girls, please, meet sincere and determined Irina #363.

Irina is one of the new Ukrainian girls we have at UFMA this April

Irina has asked us for dating services in hope to find a foreign bridegroom. She tried to start relations with Ukrainian men, and has got a strong disappointment with them due to their disability to accept the living together or propose good conditions for a life-partner. Irina is strongly interested in long-term relations and it was not acceptable for her just to live for a while with men without any hope for the stable future.

She is 33 years old charming lady and looking for a kind, tolerant, athletic, good-looking, well-of and confident man with good sense of humor. Irina lives and works in Kharkiv that is considered to be one of the most convenient cities for a living and starting up relationships with a man. Now she wants to be confident in her life-partner and searching for a reliable and trustworthy one.

Irina is very smart and determined Ukrainian girl

it was not a great task for her to study at the university and get the master’s degree in economics. We should point out that this advantage gave her ability to get a well-paid job and start her career as a sales manager. So she is quite independent and it is not difficult for her to care about herself without any help from the relatives’ side. However, Irina does not dream about career promotion. She wants to have a family with a loving and honest man and to take care about him.

Find Irina’s profile very soon at Ukrainian Fiancee website in the “New Ladies” area:

Believe us, that this lady is ready to serve you with tasty Ukrainian and Italian dishes due to the great love to cooking. She adores preparing delicious dishes for her relatives and friends, this woman is always able to organize a sweet meeting for your colleagues or friends and impress them with high standards of the organization.

Also it is not possible to miss the fact, that Irina is very beautiful young Ukrainian girl. Her amazing big and green eyes are magnetic, blond and gorgeous hair impresses with shining, well-shaped athletic body can not leave anyone indifferent to her unforgettable appearance. Irina is very interested to save her beauty for a long time and work hard so that to do this. She takes exercises in fitness club, attends swimming-pool and runs every morning. These secrets help her to look attractive and healthy.

Should you were interested in such amazing, caring and serious Ukrainian girls, please, feel free to use services of our agency and register on our resource.

Here you will be able to look at photos of our charming Irina #363 and send her a message so that to start communication with her. Be honest and sincere and you will find a way to the heart of this loving, attentive, reliable and family-oriented woman!

UFMA will help you be happy in your personal life!

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Important Rule Update from 04 April 2016: About the contacts exchange in correspondence


New rule update from 04 April 2016:

“You can exchange the contact information with a lady only at the personal meeting or the Skype conference via UFMA.”

We have this new rule because very many men create profiles and send out mass letters only to get the private info of the ladies and get them talking out of the agency, as they know that women are checked and screened here.

We here invest LOTS of time, nerves and money to find the serious ladies for you, rent photo studio, hire a photographer, make interviews and good photosessions, etc. This is not an easy work and if someone wishes to get free contacts of the ladies, they are welcome to do this on the free websites with non checked profiles, where they take any ladies from the internet.

UFMA is the place only for serious and family oriented people. And if you wish to get a good woman from Ukraine for life, please come here and we will help you like we helped many men before you.

We are 100% open with you. And hope you will also be and won’t be breaking this rule. This is better for your results as the contacts exchange itself is not what you need, but it’s a good woman for your life.


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Three men’s qualities that Russian brides and Ukrainian brides value the most


Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency (UFMA) carried out a social poll among women so that to find out what kind of men is considered to be the most attractive for Ukrainian women.

And here they are:

1) Sense of humor
Russian brides at UFMA
The results of this survey have shown that it is pretty important for both Ukrainian and Russian brides to be with a man who has a good sense of humor. They feel comfortable in company near with a cheerful person. The best explanation for such position is the woman’s desire to be with a positive-minded man, who can easily deal with all the difficult obstacles in reality with a smile.

A sense of humor is an important tool for fast starting relationships with Ukrainian and Russian girls. Be sure, having this advantage, you will be always in the centre of their attention.

If you have troubles in this aspect, you may improve it quickly by reading humoristic novels, watching comedies and communicating with your friends. We advice you to be confident, original and you will make your lovely women smile.

2) Sense of purpose
Russian girls
Also it was proven by our poll among Ukrainian and Russian brides that they pay a lot of attention to men with a strong sense of purpose.

Every woman wants to see her partner successful and independent. It is extremely important for them to be with a hardworking, smart and respective person. Being with a reliable man, it is easy for females to grow as a successful individuality and extremely important to find themselves in life.

It is essential for Ukrainian women to help men in setting and achieving their goals. They will always try to provide men with a comfortable atmosphere for individual development and getting their dreams in reality. Men should understand that there is no interest in money, because it is false that women can be attracted by money, the truth is that they always try to find the strongest and most successful partner so that to respect and be proud of him.

3) Reliability
Ukrainian women
Our poll revealed that the next significant moment in relationships between partners is reliability.

Ukrainian and Russian girls have a strong desire to be with a trustworthy, reliable person, who can always support in difficult situation, lift them up and give essential advice.

We suppose that it is comprehensive that female wants to share her whole life with a person who is able to provide her with a capacity to discuss every happy and horrible moment of life and be sure that it is very important for her partner. Only with a reliable man, woman can easily share own ideas and thoughts, without hiding secrets. And believe us, without this aspect woman will not feel herself happy in relationships.

The best way to demonstrate, that woman can rely on you is a careful listening to her. Due to this you may show that is not difficult for you to be with her in hard moments of her life. Please, follow our advice and be sure that it will help you a lot in understanding Ukrainian women’s desires.

Meet beautiful and reliable Ukrainian brides at UFMA – See the Gallery of Ukrainian women

Click “Like” below if you want to see more articles about relationships.

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[Hug, Kiss and Tender Touch] Are You Ready To Meet Your Love In Real?


The spring has come. And summer is coming too. And it’s the time of vacations.

It’s time to make a step and meet your beauty in the real life and get the relationships and marriage.

Women are greatly waiting for the real meetings. They want it and want the relationships not less than you.

And UFMA meetings allow you to come and visit several ladies and choose the best one for your life and to be happy with a beautiful and caring woman who has the right family values and respect to her man.

Is there something that stops you from this? Let’s see what it can be:

1) Are you cautious to come or don’t know how to travel to Ukraine and Kharkov in particular?

You can ask us and we will answer all your questions about the travels from your spot: Contact us

It’s becoming easier and easier to get to Ukraine. There are more and more planes from different spots of the world coming here and if you get the tickets beforehand, they are cheap. Write to us and we will help with finding tickets.

Modern Kharkov Airport

2) You don’t know where to stay and what to do?
There are plenty of cafes, hotels and restaurants here. There won’t be any problems with accommodation, food and leisure here. Bank cards are accepted everywhere, there are no problems with currency exchange too.

Hotels in Kharkov

3) You don’t know how you’ll be treated in Ukraine?
Also there are lots of foreigners – tourists and students here and they are treated very well by the locals. Kharkov is a very democratic and tolerant city with more than 1.5 million inhabitants, from which about 200 thousand are foreigners from all different countries of the world. And lots of tourists coming here to enjoy good nature, good food and low prices.

Foreign students in Kharkov

4) What about security of stay?
Security here is on a very high level. Everything is guarded by the new police and National Guard. It’s safe and nice to spend time here at any time of the day and night.

New Ukrainian Police

5) You don’t know about UFMA and how we work?
Here at UFMA we have a huge experience and lots of testimonials of the guys who have been to our Tours. They all met the ladies and were very happy to use our services.

Testimonial about UFMA Tour

6) You don’t know about the costs and terms?
The costs for our Tours are very affordable. You will also get the discount for the early booking, so it’s best to plan it beforehand. Write to us now and let’s plan your trip together.

Sergey Sokolov, UFMA Manager

–    if you want to arrange your stay yourself, you can use the Intro Service. This also works fine.
–    And if you want a “no worries” time and just concentrate of meetings and having a good time – welcome to the Tour Package.

So let’s at an easy pace think and plan your visit?

We are working for 10 years already and we have lots of happy clients who have built their happy long term relationships with the help of UFMA.

One of the UFMA couples

We will help YOU find your gem too! We REALLY care about the result of every man who comes here.

~ Write to us here and let’s talk about your needs

~ Or order a Free Consultation and I will answer all your questions

Spring is on the run and summer is very soon. Plan your unforgettable time in Ukraine!

With respect,
Sergey Sokolov

P.S.: Click “LIKE” below if you want to come to Ukraine and meet with beautiful brides! 🙂

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[Aviad’s Case] The love story in the speed of light


Today we will tell you the story of Aviad – the guy who found love with one of the ladies from UFMA and who is happy with her and they already have a wonderful son and a very good family.

Aviad came to us from Belgium and met a Ukrainian woman with whom he had a correspondence – Marina #153.

Tip: This lady was recommended to him by a UFMA matchmaker beforehand.

Aviad and Marina met in a small cafe, I was doing translations for them. They liked each other from the first sight.

After that they had a couple more meetings. And Aviad offered to go for a small vacation to the sea. Marina agreed and they spent a week at the Black Sea together.

Tip: Such trips very well show if people are comfortable together. And we often recommend people to go on vacations together to spend more time and 24 hours in a row together and understand how in different lifetime questions they match each other.

Then Aviad went back to Belgium. And after one month he came back to Ukraine and made a marriage proposal to Marina.

They decided to get married in Ukraine, as Aviad was planning to move to another country and it was better for them to go there as a married couple.

They had a beautiful wedding where they had guests from both sides. And of course we from Ukrainian Fiancee Marriage Agency were also there and we took some photos.


Marina and Aviad now have a very good family and they live very well and they have a son.

Here’s the video testimonial of Aviad about his experience with UFMA:

We are always doing our best to help people from all around the world to find their couples.

Do you also want to find your second half and do everything in the fast, comfortable and most affordable way?

Contact us and we will discuss all questions with you: see our Contacts

Or order a FREE phone consultation with Sergey Sokolov and we will answer all your questions in real time: read more about the Consultation service

Click “LIKE” below if you liked the story of Aviad and Marina and we will soon write more stories about the couples of UFMA and marriage with Russian and Ukrainian brides.

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[Useful Tools] Choose yourself a perfect couple. 3 free services you will not find anywhere else


Here at UFMA for 10 years already we are helping men to find women from Ukraine.

We have a huge experience after working with hundreds men from all around the world.

It’s very important in this business to thoroughly choose women, with whom you will be communicating and meeting, in order not to waste your time and money on communication with the wrong ones. Or this will lead to a huge disappointment.

Therefore we have launched the following three services, which will help you define those girls who match you best.

All these services are absolutely free. Such complex of features doesn’t exist in any other dating bureau. And we do this only for your effectiveness. This is why here at UFMA we have the highest success rate.

So, right now such matchmaking services are ready for you:

1) Personal Matchmaking

What is this? Using the information in your profile, we are analyzing which ladies match you best and can make the best couple for you. This is made by our matchmaker with huge experience, who personally knows all ladies. Then we will send you three profiles of the ladies who match you best and with whom it will be most comfortable and easiest to build relationships
How to use this? Just write to our email a phrase “I request the Personal Matchmaking”. And within 1-2 work days we will send you the information about the ladies to your email. This is an absolutely free service. Normally at other agencies this costs $50-$150. You need to have a profile at UFMA to request this service.

2) Automatic Matchmaking + Flirts

What is this? On our website we have started the new services – the automatic matchmaking and the flirt messages. Based on the info in your profile the system offers you the best matches from our gallery of ladies. This is fast and easy and you can view many good matches right away. You can send the free flirt every day and if a lady replies your flirt, you will know that she’s personally interested in you.
How to use this? Login to your profile or create yourself one here and you will get directly to your personal page, where you will be offered your matches. And you can instantly send a flirt to a lady you like.

3) Free Phone Consultation with the Matchmaker

What is this? This is a unique in its value service. In addition, it’s also absolutely free for you. Over the phone with Sergey Sokolov, our matchmaker, you will discuss all important topics in search for a bride. He will answer all your questions and will offer you the best matches. This will be done in the real time and this is super valuable as we have a huge experience in any questions about dating and relationships.
How to use this? Just write to our email with a phrase: “I request the Phone Consultation” and write your phone number or Skype and time (with time zone) and date when it’s good to call you. And Sergey will call you on the phone or Skype and answer all your questions. The length of the consultation is up to 15 minutes. You need to have a profile at UFMA to request this service.

Our huge experience and wish to help are at your service!

Just write us with a necessary request or follow to your matchmaking area. This is easy, and very effective.

We will help you get a great woman for relationships!

With respect,

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