[Ukrainian Food] Three Kings of Ukrainian Table

Want to know what Ukrainians eat? 🙂

Ukrainian cuisine has made a long way from the simplest dishes to the receipts with complicated ingredients and unique means of cooking. It is poetic and diverse. It can be heavy and light, luxurious and simple. Ukrainian food traditions slightly vary in different regions of the country, but in overall it is characterized by unity.

Ukrainian women are fond of cooking their national dishes. They will gladly welcome guests with steaming meal. Be ready that Russian brides won’t let you get out of the table unless your plate is empty. 🙂

The menu of a traditional Ukrainian meal course normally includes such products as meat, vegetables, grain and bean products.

1. The king of Ukrainian food: “Borsch” soup.

If you date one of Ukrainian women, be sure that you will taste the most widespread Ukrainian dish – borsch. Russian brides learn how to cook it from their grandmothers. Ukrainian borsch is made from the broth. Red beat and tomato juice is the key ingredient here, it gives the dish a specific red color.

Ukrainian borsch contains the meat. It is served with doughnuts covered with the garlic sauce (mashed garlic with oil) and chopped greenery (parsley or dill). Ideally doughnuts are cooked by the hosts. In the plate of borsch they put a spoon of sour cream. It gives a gentle taste for the dish. When you are in Ukraine, it’s a must to try borsch here!

2. Unusual, but very tasty dish: “Varenyky”.

Ukrainian women are also experts in making “varenyky”. No doubt that this dish became an object of Ukrainian poems and songs. They are so yaammy! Varenyky take a central part in every family cooking book. You will be astonished by the variety of the filling. Varenyky are made with mashed potato, cabbage, meat or liver. They are served with “shkvarki” (fried fat with onions). There are also varenyky with a sweet filling: cherries, strawberries or cottage cheese. Russian brides serve them hot with sour cream. You definitely need to try varenyky with cherries here!

3. Super delisious main dish: “Meat in the pot”.

It is also a very popular and old dish in Ukraine. Women here know how to make this meat extremely soft and melty. In the past years, meat for this dish was cooked in the oven. The meat is fried on the frying-pan with onion, carrots and peeled potatoes. It all goes to the pot and is flavored with peens, spices, aromatic roots and greenery. Then it all goes to the oven. Sometimes Ukrainians do experiments and add vegetables, mushrooms or fish to the standard version.

Ukrainian meal traditions are much wider. There is a great number of dishes labeled as“Ukrainian”. But if you happen to be in Ukraine you should definitely try these three. They are the soul and the spirit of Ukrainian nation.

Read more about Kharkov city and Kiev city where you can try all these dishes and of course, meet the beautiful Russian brides!

Dive into a cultural cruise! Stay with us for more! Смачного [smachnogo] – enjoy your meal!

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